
Traumatic Birth Recovery – 3 Step Rewind

Are you struggling to move on from a difficult birth experience?


Sometimes our experience of birth can leave us with difficult feelings.

An estimated 30% of women who give birth are likely to experience trauma symptoms, whether they recognise and report it or not.

Birth trauma is NOT a mental health condition, it is an absolutely normal response to a deeply shocking and abnormal situation.

For the women (and partners) that this affects they can experience childbirth in such a negative way that it impacts them beyond anything they had prepared for antenatally.

Many will watch their worst fears come true as their birth preferences go out of the window and a nightmare birth scenario unfolds in front of them, for others it is the recollection of the huge disappointment they felt when their breastfeeding experience was poor, or perhaps they were not treated with respect or listened to by medical staff.

However and most importantly it is how you perceived your experience and how you FEEL about it now that matters, even if on paper it looked like a ‘textbook’ experience.

What are some of the symptoms of birth trauma?

The symptoms of trauma associated with childbirth can vary but might include, flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety , panic attacks, guilt, anger, sadness, depression, difficulty bonding with baby, difficulty relating to partner and in some cases these symptoms can ripple out into every aspect of life, and even cause future family plans to be placed on hold

Common situations that can lead to birth trauma include:

• Induction of labour
• Poor pain relief
• Feeling loss of control
• High levels of medical intervention
• Lack of information or explanation
• Lack of privacy and dignity
• Fear for baby’s safety
• Stillbirth

• Not being listened to
• Lengthy labour or very short and intense labour
• Traumatic or emergency assisted or caesarean birth
• General anaesthetic used for caesarean birth
• Poor postnatal care
• Unsuccessful breast feeding
• Previous trauma – abuse, domestic violence or previous birth trauma.

What is the impact of birth trauma?

After we experience birth trauma, it’s common to feel ‘stuck’ in that moment which can impact our emotional health and wellbeing. In turn this can impact how you relate to loved ones and can impact your self esteem and confidence too.

If you would like to move on and the time is right to move on

….. then I can help you.

Let me introduce you to

The Traumatic Birth Recovery – 3-Step Rewind.

This is a gentle and safe way for me to work with you to lift the difficult feelings that are no longer serving you and for you to acknowledge the impact the trauma has on your everyday life and create a path forwards, toward greater peace and wellbeing.

This technique is a brief intervention that seeks relief of trauma symptoms after 2 or 3 face to face sessions, or via zoom.

Occasionally the process needs to be repeated but, in most cases, people report a significant diminishing or complete eradication of symptoms and heavy feelings.

If talking about the traumatic birth experience makes you feel uncomfortable there is no need to share what happened to you. You will need to remember it yourself, but you can do this without re-telling.

How it works

The Pre-work

The first step is important pre-work. We get to know each other, and talk a little about your experience, how you feel, how it affects your life currently and how you would like to be and feel in the future.

It’s important to emphasise that you don’t have to tell me details of what happened if it is too upsetting for you, but you do need to give me a sense of how you feel about it.

We then practice a guided relaxation session, to allow you to feel a sense of ease, that will support you in your next session.
You will receive a relaxation MP3 to use at home.

Duration – 60 mins

The Rewind

This is carried out around 1 week after your first session. We review the previous session. Then I guide you into a deep relaxation, which is an important part of the technique.

I then lead you through a visualisation to “rewind” your memory of the event. This has the effect of disentangling your memory with the negative emotions attached to it whilst feeling safe and secure.

In this state, you then have a window of opportunity to reprogram the way you think and feel about your memory. You can then imagine coping in the future and responding differently.

Duration – 90 mins

The Review

This session is carried out 10 – 14 days after the 2nd session. There is an opportunity to experience a final relaxation session, imagining yourself in the future, coping better and feeling more confident, and we can discuss the positive changes that have occurred since the last session.

It might be that other things have come up and more work needs to be done. But you will find that you can now remember your birth without the negative emotions.

Duration – 45 mins

What they say

“Linda, I just just want to say THANK YOU!

Honestly it’s helped me more than you will ever know! I’m now able to talk and think about the future. I am still grieving, but thinking about the trauma of my baby’s birth feels so much less stressful and traumatic! I can’t believe the difference it’s made in three sessions! It’s changed my mindset and I know I’m not cured from what happened but it isn’t such a huge negative weight anymore!

I feel strong enough to discuss the future with my husband. You are a true angel! Thank you!

What they say

Prior to these sessions I wasn’t in a good place. My previous birth trauma was really affecting my sleep as I was having flashbacks,  as well as isolating myself due to issues surrounding trust and self-esteem resurfacing.

Although the sessions were not “easy” as we were focusing on a difficult time in my life they were so important to complete.

I found that relaxing in my own safe environment with your calming words and relaxing vocabulary I was able to access memories I had put into a deep place in my brain which needed to be addressed, so I could move forward with my life.

Now I have had my baby, I can see how much the rewind sessions help me to prepare for birth as it helped me to fully address my trauma, list issues which need to be resolved and finally move forward with my life.

Thank you, Linda, for being patient  and understanding and helping me to work through such a difficult time with these therapy sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who would benefit from the TBR 3 step rewind ?

Women and /or their partners who previously enjoyed good emotional health but now feel ‘stuck’ with the unhelpful memories of the traumatic event.

At what stage should I book the TBR Rewind?

The initial period following birth is a time of tremendous emotional and physical challenge as you get to know baby and vice versa. The generally held view is to wait until 6-8 weeks postnatally before you book this treatment. On the other hand you can access this 3 step process much later when you are ready and this might be some time after the traumatic event or indeed when you are planning for another baby and suddenly feel these unhelpful memories are re-triggered.

This technique relieves the symptoms of trauma associated with childbearing. It may not be as successful if you are struggling with grief as you might need to process the stages of grief before you get the most out of these sessions, but do give me a call and let’s discuss this.

How much does the TBR Rewind programme cost?

The Traumatic Birth Recovery 3 step rewind programme costs £197

When are sessions available?

I provide these sessions on a Friday with appointments available between 10-7 pm in Sutton Coldfield or via zoom.

About Linda

TBR 3 Step Rewind Practitioner

Linda Lilwall has over 3 decades of experience as a nurse and midwife. She has supported over 700 women to birth their baby and has witnessed both the sheer joy of birth, as well as the disappointment and anxiety when things didn’t work out as anticipated.

Having experienced a traumatic birth herself in 2004 she understands how the unhelpful feelings around a traumatic event can linger for many years afterwards and can impact the whole family. Linda’s gentle approach and deep understanding of the maternity environment, will put you at ease as you take the first steps toward recovery.

Trauma Birth Rewind Practitioner UK