
Pregnancy Exhaustion

Jan 19, 2020 | Pregnancy | 0 comments

Feeling overwhelmed with exhaustion ?

Massive changes in all  your body systems can cause overwhelming tiredness.

Hormonal changes, changes to the blood and increased metabolic rate as well as increased heart rate and breathing can cause the exhaustion to be so intense that concentration may suffer

Fatigue tends to be most common in the first trimester, but often occurs later in pregnancy as well. Carrying around all that extra weight can make you tire easily in the third trimester. In addition, you may have trouble sleeping if your growing tummy makes it hard to get comfortable. In extreme fatigue you may be tested for anaemia

Make time to sit with your feet up during the day, and accept any offers of help from colleagues and family.

Being tired and run-down can make you feel low. Try to look after your physical health – make sure you eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of rest and sleep.

As your bump gets bigger, it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep. You might find lying down uncomfortable or that, just when you do get comfortable, you have to get up to go to the loo.

Feeling tired won’t harm you or your baby, but it can make life feel more difficult, especially in the early days before you’ve told people about your pregnancy.

Medical reasons for insomnia in pregnancy:

Occasionally, sleeplessness – when accompanied by other symptoms – can be a sign of depression. If you have any of the other symptoms of depression , such as feeling hopeless and losing interest in the things you used to enjoy, speak to your doctor or midwife. There is treatment that can help.

Frequent Urination

The need to use the bathroom frequently at night can disrupt sleep as expecting mothers often wake multiple times in the night for bathroom breaks. These frequent trips disrupt sleep patterns and can cause symptoms of daytime fatigue.

TOP 10 Pregnancy Sleep Tips

If you’re an expectant mother you shouldn’t let the potential for developing a sleep disorder scare you too much. For many pregnant women, sleep troubles can be fixed by following a few simple practices to minimise the risk of sleep disorders and maximise the amount of nightly sleep. Furthermore, many of the tips for sleeping while pregnant are also very useful sleep tips for just about anybody suffering from sleep loss.

  1. Maintain a regular sleep/wake cycle. Prioritising sleep is key in getting sleep. Making sure that you’re going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (including weekends) goes a long way in feeling more awake and alert during the day.
  2. Exercise regularly. Unless your doctor advises against it, regular exercise should be done at least 30 minutes a day. Getting out any pent up energy through exercise will increase circulation, improve mood, and help you fall asleep easier at night. However, no vigorous exercise should be done too close to bedtime. If you prefer to workout later in the day, some light exercises such as yoga are recommended. Check out the pregnancy BUMP classes at onefitmama. ( widely available around the region)
  3. Cutback on fluids at night. It’s very important to stay hydrated during pregnancy, but to help reduce late night trips to the bathroom avoid drinking large amounts in the hours leading up to bedtime.
  4. Avoid Spicy Foods and heavy meals before bedtime. Eating spicy foods before bedtime can increase the chances and severity of heartburn at night. Eating heavy meals before bedtime makes the body work harder during sleep to digest your food, distracting it from working on the repairs your body needs for the next day’s activities. If you’re feeling hungry close to bedtime, try eating a light snack such as a banana, crackers and cheese, or a small bowl of cereal. For more information on foods and sleep 
  5. Sleep on your left side. During the third trimester of sleep it is recommended that expectant mothers try to sleep on their side. ( see the TOMMY’S SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE campaign) This increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. Also, try to avoid sleeping on your back for extended periods of time.
  6. Use pillows. Special pregnancy pillows can go a long way towards nighttime comfort. Another pillow tip to reduce back pain is to lay on your left side with hips and knees bent and place pillows between your knees, under your abdomen, and behind your back.
  7. When having trouble sleeping get out of bed. If sleep is eluding you, don’t lie in bed willing it to come. Get out of bed and do another relaxing activity such as reading, writing, take a warm bath, or any other relaxing activity before returning to bed.
  8. Take short naps during the day. For the most part, naps are usually advised against as they tend to disrupt regular sleep cycles making going to sleep at night more difficult. However, studies have shown that napping while pregnant can prove beneficial. A poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that 51% of women reported at least one midweek nap and 60% reported napping on the weekends. However, if you choose to nap make sure they’re no more than 20-30 minutes long, and don’t nap too close to bedtime. Start some hypnobirthing relaxation 
  1. Start your hypnobirthing relaxation 

Its never too early to start your hypnobirth relaxation and to develop calm and confidence. Here’s a link to some free resources to supplement what we offer at from bumps 2 babies


10. Some essential oils such as lavender sprinkled onto your pillow can induce deeper sleep or add a few drops to your bath before bedtime, lie back and inhale the aroma 


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About Linda

Private Midwife and Birth Educator

Linda Lilwall is a Private Midwife with over 30 years of experience and has helped welcome over 700 babies into the world.

She has a wealth of experience and is passionate about helping couples find their power as parents .

Her goal is to instil confidence through education and support, so that families are prepared for their journey into parenthood.