
Positive Birth Story – saying no to induction

A story that made my heart sing. When Prab faced the “default” route of induction offered by her care providers, she asked for the evidence to support their option, and stayed strong. Thanks to that she went on to have the natural birth she desired in a midwifery led unit. Well done Prab x

“I had been referred to the antenatal day unit (ADAU) after the midwife was concerned the growth of my bump had tailed off, and wanted a scan to ensure my baby was growing ok. After my scan, the sonographer referred me to triage as the scan showed a minor decrease in growth. I was 39 weeks pregnant at this point and these scans, as we learned from Linda have a 10% margin for error.

Making the decision for me …

During triage, I had a CTG which showed my baby had a strong heartbeat. A junior doctor was assigned to me, and we discussed why I had been referred to triage, the doctor then went to consult the senior doctor and what I heard from behind the curtain made me feel sick to my stomach – without seeing my notes or coming to speak to me the senior doctor advised the junior doctor to book me in for induction. I was alone in triage, my husband was not allowed in. I refused the induction with the junior doctor, this then meant the senior doctor came to speak to me – informing me of how my child could be stillborn and if it was her child she would have the induction.

Finding my power

When I requested a cervical examination (to determine my Bishops’ score) I was told I would get a cervical examination IF I agreed to an induction. Still I refused asking for evidence as to why I needed this induction if my CTG showed no sign of fetal distress. I asked to go home and think it over, I was not making such a huge decision right there and then. I was told I would have to come back and have another CTG tomorrow, so I went back the next day to the ADAU, again baby’s heartbeat was perfect but yet again another doctor came over trying to coerce me into having an induction based on no evidence other than a minor reduction in size, again I had to hear the words stillborn and induction.

This doctor also told me I do not look like a person who is going into labour anytime soon (whatever that person looks like!) At this point my blood pressure had started to increase as well due to the sheer stress and pressure of the situation, but this was also used against me – I stood strong as did my husband – luckily he was allowed in the ADAU this time. As a matter of fact my blood pressure had been ok all the way through my pregnancy.

The effects of stress

It is also worth noting up until this point I had had a textbook pregnancy, no major issues or concerns. I was also 2cm dilated and thinly effaced (after an examination with Linda), which was completely dismissed by the doctors. I was told as I was not agreeing to an induction I would have to come back to the ADAU every day to have a CTG – I went for 6 days, 40 weeks came, and I was stressed, the very people that should know not to stress a pregnant woman were the very people causing such emotional trauma, blocking the oxytocin from flowing and preventing labour to begin – I was a RX number not a human being.

The effects of feeling calm

On day 6 Linda managed to get my case in front of a Consultant, who couldn’t understand why I was coming in for CTG daily given there was no reason for concern. I was also confirmed by the Consultant to be low risk and thus when the time came would be able to give birth in Serenity Suite, the midwifery led centre within City hospital.

I cannot describe the relief I felt when I heard the news, the next day I spent the day doing techniques Linda advised, and I went into labour that evening. I managed to give birth at Serenity Suite by a wonderful midwife who completely understood my desire for a calm, intervention free birth using hypnobirthing techniques. I am delighted to say my baby boy was born healthy at 8lbs the following morning.

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